Monday, June 15, 2009

That's right, I've figured out a way to make this blog multimedia! Here are some good times from a going away party that we had last night.

Also, I should note that these past entries have been a sort of prelude/running experiment for me to get a feel for what "blogging" is all about. Tomorrow morning I begin my journey to India, Nepal and Bhutan, and its this trip that is serving as the inspiration for the blog. Some of you have read trip notes of mine from previous trips, this time since the trip is lengthy and I don't know how often I'll be able to be in contact, I figured that this might be a good way to stay in touch. So please do feel free to comment, it'd be great to hear from ya.


  1. Glad that the bratwurst photo is now on the World Wide Intertubes! Hanu is SKINNY (in a loud voice) and will be skinnier when you get back. I'll make Calla eat his extra calories.

    It was great seeing you, Mat-a-tat-tat-tat.

  2. There is no better technique than the louder voice response. I wonder where you got that from....

  3. Matt Branch! You make me laugh. I'm glad I'll be able to enjoy your sense of humor halfway around the world. Good luck and lots of love!

  4. matt branch! you make me cry.
    jk you make me laugh too.
    it was great to see you.
    but it kinda just made me wish you lived here again.
