The other day the dean was kind enough to loan us his car to get into town. Let me start by saying that Indian cars are not made for tall men. We are convinced these are the cars that clowns use. Anyways, I only messed up three times driving on the wrong side of the road. Or should I say messed up with three cars. Luckily you can't drive very fast here (the roads are way to twisty), and people are used to unexpected obstacles, so it wasn't a major problem. We got lost, of course, but eventually managed to find downtown Thimphu and got to see more of Bhutan in the process.
Good times. Oh, and some of you already know this, but Bhutan has no traffic lights. They once installed one, but it confused drivers, so they removed it and major intersections are staffed by traffic policemen. If you look closely you can see that he is chatting on his cell phone as he directs traffic (it's illegal to talk on cell phones and drive here).
Great posts Matthew & Rachel! Keep 'em coming!